Where does my donation go?
You may direct your contribution to either Agency Programs or to the Family Dynamics Endowment and Memorial Fund.
Agency Programs Fund
This fund ensures that our programs and services are financially stable and enables us to subsidize the cost for individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardship.
A gift for today…
Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!
Endowment and Memorial Fund
This is a long-term sustainability fund held in trust by the Winnipeg Foundation. Each year, we spend a little of the interest to support programs which assist at-risk children and their families and/or to protect children from violence. Unused interest is reinvested to keep the fund growing. This will ensure that Family Dynamics will continue to serve the citizens of Winnipeg for many years to come.
A gift for tomorrow…
Donate Now Through Winnipeg Foundation!
Our Charitable Registration Number is 129863049RR0001
General Donations
We also accept donations of cash, cheques or money orders at our offices:
Family Dynamics
Portage Place, 401-393 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 3H6
Or you may contact us @ 204-947-1401 or info@familydynamics.ca
Legacy gifts may be arranged by contacting Family Dynamics.