Help in the Hard Years
"Our organization was born during the depression of the thirties to meet the needs of harassed and wearied people who were facing tremendous odds in a jobless world." - quote from our first annual report in 1937
War and Post-War Adjustment
One of the main problems during this period was the shortage of decent housing, families were doubling up and overcrowding was common.
Flood and Polio
In both cases, people were less concerned with where these disasters came from than with what was going to happen to them.
Family Child Care
In addition to supervision of the children’s care in the homes, counselling of varying intensity took place with all of the children’s parents.
Separation and Divorce
Increased divorce rates resulted in a greater need and community demand for appropriate family services.
Assault and Domestic Abuse
We continued to respond to community challenges on topics such as sexuality, anger and women.
Families and Schools Together
Our Families and Schools Together program builds a constructive partnership between parents, families and schools.
Family Resource Centres
Family resource centres provide resources and experiences aimed at developing communities where residents feel safe and involved.
Services to High-Needs Refugee Families
We provide longer term, wrap-around services to high-needs refugee families to help them when settlement and integration are jeopardized because of extenuating circumstances.