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Family Dynamics is honoured to be accredited through the Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA), a third-party review based on accepted organizational practices that promote ongoing quality improvement and responsive, effective community services.

Overview of CCA

CCA is a national non-profit bilingual accreditation body geared to community-based health and social service organizations.

CCA accredits a wide range of community-based human service organizations with a modular, tailored program that promotes excellence and quality. Accreditation with CCA supports organizations to continually improve the quality and efficiency of the programs and services they provide.

A tailored program

The accreditation program combines a set of Organizational Standards covering areas such as governance, organizational planning and performance, leadership and risk management, with program and service modules relevant to different services.

Mandatory Standards address legislated requirements, significant safety or risk issues, and crucial elements of good practice. Leading Practice Standards promote quality, learning, excellence and creativity in organizations.